My thoughts about movies and TV shows I've been watching

See also my blog on books: Elliot's Reading

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 Elliot’s Reading  -2024

January 2024

Reading Turgenev, in William Trevor’s Two Lives (1991)

My House in Umbria, in William Trevor’s Two Lives (1991

A Passage to India (1924), by E. M. Forster

Alexander’s Bridge, by Willa Cathers (1912)

Graham Greene’s novel The Honorary Consul (1973)

February 2024

Willa Cather, O Pioneers!.(1913)

Bob Dylan: Mixing up the Medicine, by Mark Davidson and Parker Fishell (2023)

March 2024

William Trevor, Felicias’s Journey (1994)

Edith Wharton’s The Mother’s Recompense (1925) 

Willa Cather, My Antonia (1918)

Fifty-Two Stories (1883-1898),= by Anton Chekhov, tr. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky (2020) = DNF

21 Stories, Graham Greene (1955, revised edition)

Edith Wharton, Twilight Sleep (1927) DNF

April 2024

Willa Cather, Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927)

William Trevor, Death in Summer (1998)

Willa Cather, Shadows on the Rock (1931)

William Trevor, The Story of Lucy Gault (2002)

May 2024

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, The Autumn of the Patriarch (1975), tr. Gregory Rabassa 

Edith Wharton, The Gods Arrive (1932)

The Moons of Jupiter, stories by Alice Munro (copyrights 1977-82)

June 2024

Willa Cather, Lucy Gayheart (1935)

Howrd Sounes, Down the Highway: The Life of Bob Dylan (2001)

Alice Munro, The Love of a Good Woman, Stories (1998)

William Trevor, The News From Ireland & Other Stories (1986)

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