My thoughts about movies and TV shows I've been watching

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Friday, July 21, 2017

Any reason to watch The Wizard of Lies?

Where to begin with the Barry Levinson HBO film The Wizard of Lies, a take on the Bernie Madoff and his criminal scam? First of all, I literally could not bear to watch beyond the 2-hour mark, my brain was turning to Swiss cheese. Does a Levinson-De Niro duo have carte blanche to include in the final v every single scene that was filmed? This movie - about a story very familiar to most people, by the way - makes the same point repeatedly, to numbing effect, and draws out scenes such as son Mark's suicide interminably for no good reason. The point of the film: Madoff was a heartless, self-centered, cruel, crude, scam artist who duped many people including many who should have been wiser or more circumspect with their massive investments. The film also argues that the Madoff children and spouse knew nothing about his scam; that's plausible, but their ignorance was in part a willful blindness. So be it - I can't see the purpose of this highly unentertaining movie unless it could give new insight into Madoff, his family, or even the SEC's notorious failure to investigate the Madoff enterprise. Why not, for example, something about Madoff's childhood or his youth? Instead the movied is dead-weighted with leaden dialog (I admit that De Niro does a good job as always, even w/ some really bad scripting) and a supporting cast that ranges from the bland (the 2 sons), the ridiculous (Michelle Pfeiffer straining w/ a NY accent, almost comical!), the obscene (an especially crude Hank Azarian). What watch this movie? Perhaps to see how far Levinson has from the entertaining simplicity of Diner and the good sense of plot and pacing in his films of, gulp, 40 years ago.

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