My thoughts about movies and TV shows I've been watching

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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Interminable: Three hours you'll want back after you see Interstellar

Maybe, just maybe, I'll watch the rest of Interstellar tonight, and if I do it will be only to see the sequences filmed in Iceland, which I guess look more like scenes from another galaxy than any other place on earth - but my god how long is this movie? (Last night Red Sox played longest game in franchise history, and Interstellar might seem longer.) Though I'm told the producers and writers made some attempt to base this story on the principles of physics - essentially a team of astronauts is sent to explore possible resettlement options in other galaxies, as earth seems to be a doomed planet, but because of the heavy gravity on some of these planets time proceeds differently and for each hour they spend there people back on earth age several years. As one of the astronauts so wisely puts it: That's relativity! Aside from the idiocy of the entire premise and the obvious consequences of the journey - the film begins with some aged people recounting what it was like on earth back in the dust-and-plague filled era, and if you can't figure out who these people are you probably should be condemned to watch the whole movie - we have to see Matthew McConaughey do a ridiculous reprise of his quirky performance in True Detective, but this time he's a farmer and former astronaut yearning to fly again. Sure. And then there's the ever unlikable Anne Hathaway, as an astronaut-scientist no less, explaining why, in choosing which distant planets to explore, she is following her heart. Yes, the technical effects are good - esp the looming giant waves that almost wipe out the mission on the first planet visited. But the plot is so preposterous and the planet-rescue-discovery mission so threadbare that I found it impossible to engage w/ this film in any way. That's relativity.

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