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Monday, April 18, 2011

The shocker at the end of Mad Men Season 4: Can you believe it?

"Mad Men" Season 4 ends with the expected ambiguity and tension - this series gets better and better as the plot lines and the characters mature. Lots of spoilers to come: I expected the season to end with some major crisis involving Don's daughter Sally, who seems to be on a collision course with adolescence, but she seems to have grown up a bit, with help from a very nice psychologist - the real tensions remain between Don and Betty, Betty now behaving with such impulsive cruelty that even her good-guy husband, Henry, has begun to call her on it - she needs to go back into therapy, but of course she was badly burned before by a therapist who unethically spilled her secrets to Don. Meanwhile, talk about impulsive, Don takes his secretary Megan (what kind of name is that for a French-Canadian?) with him to California to watch the kids. Unsurprisingly, they have sex - he's such an addict that he can't keep away from her, even though he was developing a really good relationship with a research psychologist who seemed totally right for him and devoted - OK, so if it's just sex, so what, but then, amazingly, he proposes, she, totally smitten, accepts - back in the office everyone, especially the girls, roll their eyes - falling for his secretary, the oldest one in the book. What are we to make of this? Can you even believe it? It's a little hard to accept that he would propose - but now that he's done so, what good can come of this ridiculous relationship? The wild card is that Betty is now unhappy with her marriage, and how will those two forces collide in Season 5, whenever that happens. Still totally interesting to watch the business side of advertising develop, too, as the young staff at the agency go after new accounts to keep the firm from crumbling. A really good series that could possibly go on for many years. Let's hope.

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