My thoughts about movies and TV shows I've been watching

See also my blog on books: Elliot's Reading

Monday, February 28, 2011

Bet you guessed all the Oscar winners, right?

Was there a single surprise in last night's Oscars, other than how mediocre the hosts were (A Hathaway at least had a lot of spunk and spirit)? I wish I'd been in a betting pool; I would've got all the major awards right - but then again, who didn't? King's Speech was so obviously the winner all along - but I do think that coming late in the year really helped it; people forgot how much they enjoyed and admired The Social Network. The two screenplay awards were absolutely the only right choices: KS and SN both fully deserving scripts, sharp, surprising, realistic, and daring in narrative style. Some of the therapy scenes with Firth and Rush were among the best-written scenes ever, I think. First deserved the award for sure (Eisenberg was good, but Firth's role much more challenging). Who can object to Portman? - though Benning's portrayal was more subtle and of course got overlooked. True Grit fell by the wayside, and I think that's about right - though I enjoyed the film a lot, it wasn't real groundbreaking movie - though I thought H. Steinberg (?) had a chance at supporting (mostly helped by the Coen Bros daring decision to lift dialogue right from the book - you'd think it would sound wrong but it sounded and played great - actually it was truly a lead role, not supporting). The two best supporting roles, both from The Fighter, are pretty much inarguable, though many liked Jackie Weaver in Animal Kingdom. Those were all pretty easy to pick - but did anyone guess all the animated features? Best song? Best trailer? Best closing credits?

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